Thursday, August 2, 2007

Class of 1988 Lost & Found

This is going to be long, but here goes...

Do you have any info on any of these people?

Lost (Last known address - need confirmation)
Katrina Ackerman
William Ball
Aisha Barnes
Tina Barnes
Scott Barnett
Darci Beatman
Dennis Brady
Lisa Brandt
William Briggs
Karen Bukowski
Mildred Bumpers
Stephanie Burkell
Thomas Burling
Richard Byrd
David Camp
Tina Carmichael
Dwayne Carr
Sonya Carr
Michelle Catledge
Kristen Clark
Glen Conner
Timothy Cook
Saprina Cooper
Melvin Crosby
Bridgette Daniels
Gary Daub
Richard Davis
Mariann Eckendorf
Valerie Engelleiter
Amy Fickenworth
Beth Fickenworth
Colleen First
Crystol Fowler
Sherele Fowler
Brendon Fredricks
Tammy Fuller
Lisa Gamble
Judy Gehrlein (Bush)
Felecia Gibbs
Lisa Graham
Amy Grudzien (Gill)
Kimberly Gulish
Marybeth Hanke
Corey Harris
Jon Harris
Ramona Henderson
Rhonda Henderson (Lyons)
Vinny Holdsworth
Michelle Horihan
Daniel Horn
Sharon Inman
Kimberly Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Darrell Jones
Tarra Jones
Bonita Jordan
Donnell Jordan
Donald Kiefer
William Knox
Alex Lewinger/Peightel
Melissa Lewkowicz
Michelle Lewkowicz
Thomas Lipinski
Michelle Lohse (Welton)
Tina Lombardi
James Loney
Michael Loney
Karyn Loomis
Myron Lucas
Sue Madison
Christopher Majerik
Jeffrey Marzka
Timothy McClintock
Sean McGuire
Shelly McKane
Althea McKinnon
David Michalak
Gregory Miller
Robert Miller
Rose Minutolo
Benny Mitchell
Lasonya Moffett
Laura Monahan
Anna Moore (Gaskill)
Antonio Moore
Kevin Moore
Steven Moore
Robert Morgan
Leah Morris
Raymond Morrison
Richard Mudge
Isais Munoz
Heather Murray
Kathleen Noonan
Samone Norton
Shawnn Odom
George Ollie
Mark Owens
Durann Patterson
Gregory Pietras
Lori Putnam
Dean Roberts
Sondra Roberts
Melissa Rohrbach
Earl Ross
Nolan Roury
William Sandusky
James Schwab
Janet Seippel (Maine)
John Semple
James Shaftstall
Ronald Sickles
Christopher Sims
Jon Sims
Michelle Skarupski
Robert Smith
Jeffery Spencer
William Stephens
Brenton Stouffer
Armanda Stovall
Matthew Strohm
Pamela Szymanowski (Lewis)
Daniel Tate
Evanual Tate
Carolyn Thompson
Kathy Tracy
Shannon Twillie
Chris Vaughn
James Wall
William Wall
Doug Warr
Jamie Watson
Carol "Jamie" Wentz (Owen)
Matthew Woodarski
Karen Wright
Linda Wygant (Cabell)
Gregory Yochim

OK I hope I don't offend anyone, but I can't remember everyone:
(Did not have a senior picture/not listed in the Senior Index, Does anyone know these people?)

Michael Masterson

Moved (Same as above, or Attended JR year, either moved or transferred?)
Steven Brewington Attended Jr Yr
Denise Bumpers Attended Jr Yr
Angelus Davis Attended Jr Yr
Gary Edkin Attended Jr Yr
Danielle Fox Attended Jr Yr
Michelle Garrison Attended Jr Yr
Lucinda Gudfrey Attended Jr Yr
Maria Hernandez Attended Jr Yr
Keith Jankowski Attended Jr Yr
Nathaniel Johnson Attended Jr Yr
Pat Jones Attended Jr Yr
Sherry Krauchen Attended Jr Yr
Becky Martin Attended Jr Yr
Jenny Schley Attended Jr Yr
Vincent Smith Attended Jr Yr
Randale Watson Attended Jr Yr
Andy Yacobozzi Attended Jr Yr

Pending (This means someone says they can get their contact info)
Scott Ambrose Erie, PA
Heather Bastian Erie, PA
Lisa Daniels
Demetrice Faulkner Decatur, GA
Sherry Gabutti
Patrick Higgins Erie, PA
Harry Honard Erie, PA

Daniel Kaminski
Carmella Jones (Bonds)
Erie, PA
Melissa Jones Erie, PA

Carl Lewis Girard, PA
Shirleen Moffett Erie, PA
Sport Page
Wendy Peskorski (Rogers) Erie, PA
Josette Pickens
Erie, PA
John Piotrowicz Londonderry, NH
Shannon Quinlan (Scwartz) Erie, PA
Michael Ross
Erie, PA
Jamie Russo Erie, PA
Nancy Russo Erie, PA

William Teel Erie, PA

(This means we have a way to contact you, phone, e-mail, or home address)

Patricia Alexander (Grant?) Coral Springs, FL
Bryn Anderson (Claypoole) Girard, PA
Carol Baldwin (Salyers) Peoria, AZ
Allyson Bannister (Cummings) Erie, PA

Sonya Barney Erie, PA
Melissa Bell Erie, PA
Jennifer Bozza Erie, PA
Janet Bruschi (Malina) Erie, PA
Sherita Coleman (Davis) Erie, PA
Kristen Comella (Fridell) Hurricane, UT
Michelle Daugherty (Fawcett)
Nicole Detzel (Duskey) Parrish, FL
Brenda Diven (Gryncewicz) Erie, PA

Lisa Duffley (Kazmierski) Cedar Lake, IN
Regina Eckendorf Lakewood, CO
Robert Eckendorf Erie, PA

Kimberly Elletson Erie, PA
Dianna Gausman (Kuhar) Erie, PA
Louis Gavin Austin, TX
Tracy Gemler Erie, PA
Jennifer Glass (Fisher) Gainesville, VA
Donald Grace San Diego, CA
Frank Grande Erie, PA
Scott Harris Erie, PA
Amy Hasberry Erie, PA
Kimberly Hayes (Buckle) Erie, PA
Robert Heck Erie, PA

Brenda Hogan Erie, PA
Tyrone Howze Erie, PA
Brent Huey Norfolk, VA

Jarriel Hunter Decatur, GA
Marshall "Peabody" Jones Erie, PA
Kimberly Klemm (Gahring) Keswick, VA
Veronica Knight (Howze) Callahan, FL
Tammie Lanagan (Lander) Waterford, PA
Laura Lassman (Buckel) Erie, PA
Michael Lauderbaugh Wilmington, DE
Dawn Lewis (Gatti) Erie, PA
Jeffery Lander Erie, PA
Darin Linhart Erie, PA
Nathan Moyer ???, HI

George Nicewonger Fairview, PA
Daprina Nolan Erie, PA
William Parco Eagle Mountain, UT
Scott Pheasant Jericho, VT

Lisa Pfister (Callaghan) Erie, PA
Geralynn Rebar (Linehart) Erie, PA
Jeffrey Regenor Erie, PA
Samuel Reinsel Erie, PA

Tammy Salinas (Hopson) Spring, TX
Thomas Salyers Peoria, AZ

Nanette Schaaf Erie, PA
Yvette Shabazz (Gay) Erie, PA
Mario Siano Erie, PA
Elizabeth Sins Warren, MI
Monica Serafin (Karnes) Erie, PA
Nanette Schaaf Erie, PA
Laura Shaw (McDaniel) Mesa, AZ
Suzanne Simmons Erie, PA

Vicki Skinner Jamestown, NY
Christine Steffy (Jackson) - Appleton, WI
Ronald Sutton Erie, PA
Heidi Taylor (Toth) Erie, PA
Wendy Terhorst (Wesmiller) Erie, PA
Carol Tibbitts Ashville, NC
Sandy Tibbits (MacKenzie) Fairfax, VA

John Toth Erie, PA
Stephanie Vacanti (Ghamo) Erie, PA
Ann Valerio (Malinowski) Erie, PA
Daniel Voltz Erie, PA
Brian Wesmiller Erie, PA

Karlene Williams (Rearick) Cheshire, CT
Brian Wolff Meadville, PA
Rochelle Youkers Erie, PA
Pamela Zeiber (Burton) PA

Thomas Amendola
3/22/1989 link
James Burchick 4/24/1993 link
Mujunemo Favors
6/26/1990 link
Justin Skol
3/22/1989 link
Gussie Williams 3/21/2008 link

15th Reunion

Here is a picture I stole off of Brent's website of the 15 year reunion:

E-mail to your friends

Please send this Blog to any other AHS alum you know by clicking on the letter icon to the right of the "comments" link and enter in their email.

Add Photos

If you want me to post pictures on here, e-mail me and either I can put them on for you, or give me your e-mail address and I'll add you onto our "Blog Team" where you can start posts, post pictures, etc.

Class of 1988 Reunion

The time is growing near where we are attempting to gather old friends together for our 20th HS Reunion. Brent Huey (class of '88) volunteered at the 15 year reunion to spearhead the 20th, and just like in High School, he conned me in doing all of his homework for him. Hopefully this Blog will serve its' purpose instead of trying to create a whole dedicated website.

I have enabled "anonymous comments", so please leave a comment to let us know you stopped by. For security reasons (I HATE spam), I have created a G-mail account ( where you can e-mail to have us contact you privately, or if you're bold, or have a separate e-mail account set aside for public forums, you can just leave your e-mail on the comments section.

We look forward to hearing from you, hopefully we can gather most of our info here w/o having to call all of your parents!